
A financial system built on smart contract technology.
Open to all, transparent to all.

SCX {{ contract.balance }}

The worlds first decentralized, community support fund


{{ deposit_amount.toFixed(0) }} TRX

Smart contract info

  • Smart contract address {{ contract_address.substr(0, 8) }}...
  • Total Coin deposits all time {{ safe(contract.total_deposited.toLocaleString()) }} SCX
  • Smart contract balance {{ safe(contract.balance.toLocaleString()) }} SCX
  • Amount withdrawn by members {{ safe(contract.total_withdraw.toLocaleString()) }} SCX

Personal statistic


  • Total amount of deposited SCX
  • Total amount of received SCX

Business Plan

Investment conditions :

Minimum : 500 SCX
Maximum : 1000000 SCX

How to join

Setting up phone wallet

Download Klever Wallet / Tocken pocket or any other trustable wallet that supports "TRX" which is downloadable at play store for Android or app store for iPhone . Klever Wallet / Tocken pocket is a secure p2p crypto wallet and exchange for TRON (TRX) "recommended"> Download and set up Klever Wallet to your phone> buy "TRX" using Klever wallet app "recommended for safety reasons"> Go to Dapp browser in wallet and enter the ref link> select amount to deposit and click join


Infinity global includes investment insurance for all investors . This insurance will cover all losses of capital investment if any. This means that no one who invests in Tron infinity global will lose. 10% of all withdrawals will be sent directly to non-smartcontract external investment funds which will generate yields that will help cover the insurance of all investors. Once the insurance is activated the yields will be transformed back into trx and settle the losses of all the accounts . "infinity global team has observed and experienced different contracts with different plans and looked deep to all the reasons they got depleted , bottom line we came up with a plan that we can surely say has no loop hole , and can last for many years "

Terms & Conditions

1) accumulation is not allowed . It's clearly a security loop hole and a dangerous weak spot for every investment based smart contract which will have no good end for it . Therefore it is not allowed

2) understand the risk of investment based smart contracts and dapps and it is highly recommended to risk what you can afford to lose and avoid bringing necessary resources of your real life .

3) Age restriction , all investors has to be above 15 and have enough knowledge about crypto currency and Tron smart contracts . We do not take any credibility - responsibility for the consequences to come

4) withdraw is limited to once per week

Top 10 sponsors

Address TRX Income
{{ upmodal.upline }}     Edit

Check your invitation ID.
You can change it before proceeding with deposit.